30th June, 24 at Shamrock Greens, Raipur
The 29th installation ceremony was conducted at Hotel Shamrock Greens, Raipur on 30th June, 24. The ceremony marked the transition of leadership. Outgoing President Rtn. Ravinder Seeray and Outgoing Secretary Rtn. Manoj Agrawal exchanged pins with incoming President Rtn. Aashish Nathani and Incoming Secretary Rtn. Pradeep Goel.
The Chief Guest for the event was DG Rtn. Akhil Mishra, and special guest AG Sankalp Varvandkar.
Outgoing President and Secretary showed details about the events and achievement of their tenure followed by Prize distribution.
Incoming President Rtn Aashish Nathani and Secretary Rtn Pradeep D Goel presented to the house about their Vision and Roadmap of upcoming tenure.
The Ceremony was graced by PDG’s, President/Secretary/members of other clubs, and Members and Family of Rotary Club of Raipur Cosmopolitan.
5 New members were inducted to the Rotary world through RCR Cosmopolitan.